Thursday, 16 July 2020

The urge today

Read this request letter from an anonymous girl who was tested Covid positive.

Dear friends,

 May 12, 2020

The world is fighting a pandemic COVID-19.
I got tested positive for the same on this day. You can’t imagine the thoughts crossing my head. Every other person, no matter how strong they are would go through the same. No matter how optimistic you are, negativity starts dancing in circles.
Questions arise like: Am I even going to survive it? Is it going to affect my body in the long run? Am I even going to get up the next morning? 
Death is a thing that almost everyone fears. You have other thoughts running as well that once this hurdle is survived, are we going to be treated as untouchables from thereon? And so the list goes on and on. 

The point here is to understand that Covid-19 not only affects one’s physical health but also hampers their mental balance. It’s the friends and family who gotta support the ones diagnosed and treat them well. It surely is a hard hour, but with kindness, anything is possible.

I urge everyone on behalf of every person who has been diagnosed, if you come across anyone affected with Covid-19, please be kind and be a friend in need. If you see an ambulance pass by, give them the way if you are on the vehicle, and pray for the human in there. An act of kindness wouldn’t do you any harm!

Yours Sincerely,
A positive girl who is now tested negative