Saturday, 12 October 2019

Let Go!

Read an inspiring article by our passionate writer, Rahul Tatiya.

They say that, at some point, you just learn to let go. I must disagree. If it just takes one moment to let go, you never really held on tightly enough. To a dream. To a goal. To a person. To anything. I believe that you let go little by little. You let go little, then hold back on, but with a little less force until you fully release yourself. And the tighter you hold on, the more force you let go with. The deeper you dive, the higher you will fly. The closer you get, the further you'll pull away. The weaker you feel, the stronger you'll become. So do not be ashamed of your weakness. We all have them. 
You must be kind to yourself. You must understand yourself. You must believe in yourself. Never think that you're a bad person. 
Differentiate between your self worth and your actions. To say that you're bad is different from saying that you made a mistake. You can't fix yourself but you can fix a mistake. And remember, not one person on this earth is perfect. We all make mistakes. We all fall. We all have flaws. 
We just have to look within ourselves and treat ourselves as humans who are worthy of respect and hope. 
Do not give up on yourself. Get back up. Be brave. Be happy. 

There are times, when you have to hold on to yourself because no one else can. 
You need to make your inner self understand the need for letting go and moving forward. 
Give yourself some room and respite from the pressure you're facing every day. 
Live the moment. 
Don't look back. 
Cherish your life. 
Just go with the flow

Wednesday, 9 October 2019

Sunshine or forest fire?

Has anybody ever said you that you were the light of their life?
Have you ever wondered, if that light meant sunshine or  forest fire?

Sunshine lights the world, and so does fire! But, what brights you up, is ultimately valued.

The doors of happiness were wide open,
All the sorrows were successfully hidden.
To know the art of controlling emotions was not an easy task.
The 'never-bother' attitude had made its way to a less complicated life!

But the life took a different turn when through the same door, entered a human. 
With no time, the human became the door of happiness. 
Abstractions no more worked now, reality of life striked.

To share and to love is not a bad idea. But, expectations come into play later. Nobody in the world is without expectations! (You can't deny it) Even a priest expects heavenly pleasures after life, in lieu of the selfless sacrifice he makes!

When somebody brightens up your life, it's always not the same till the end. There may be ups and downs. There may be times when it's too bright and there may be times when it's cloudy.
When you keep all your sorrows and frustrations bundled up, just because the light was brighter than all the sorrows, you end up being casual and happy. You stop caring much about the sorrows because the light brightens your life more than anything, that you almost forget that the room was dark, sometime before !
If you are the light to somebody's life, make sure you are the sunshine and not, fire. 
It's simple.
Brighten up their day. They wouldn't mind if it's cloudy.
But if you spread like a forest fire, they would definitely end up in more frustration than usual !
Nights seem darker than usual if it's a forest fire.
Negativity prioritizes and relationships end.

Let the sunshine and a magnifying glass not play their roles together. People around you may become convex lenses, ready to focus on destruction. Let not a third party interfere in your relationship with the other person that could destroy all the vegetation in the forest and then end up with 'nothing'.

Get a chance, face the best!

Monday, 12 August 2019

समझा या समझौता

प्यार किया था मुझसे,
पता भी चला तुम्ही से!
करते थे हमेशा प्यार भरी बातें,
रूठती तो लग जाते थे मनाने।

प्यार कर बैठी तुमसे,
लगा था कि समझोगे मुझे।
माफ़ भी कर देते थे सारी गलतियाँ,
तुम्ही से तो बन गयी थी मेरी सारी खुशियाँ।

ख्याल रखना, आता था तुम्हे,
बस मुझे समझने की कोशिश कभी न की तुमने।
प्यार तो अब भी उतना ही करते हो बेशक,
मेरी ज़िद्द भी पूरी करते हो, हर वक़्त।

कुछ हो जाता, तो किसी को 
बताने की आदत ना थी,
अब भी वैसी ही हूँ,
मैं बदली ना थी।
लेकिन अब अगर तुमसे रुठ जाऊँ,
तो बताओ, कहाँ मैं जाऊं?
रो कर बस अपने मन को बहलाऊँ।

बस यही तो चाहती हूँ की
तुम आकर मना लो,
खुश करने के बाद,
"क्या हुआ था?" पूछ लो।

खुश तो करना आता था तुम्हें,
पर कभी जाना तो नहीं मुझे।
मन मेरा शायद हल्का हो जाता,
अगर बात हो जाती तुमसे।

कहा तो था तुमने साथ में मिल,
बात करेंगे, जब हो कोई मुश्किल।
पर कभी वक़्त तो निकाल लेते,
जोड़ने में मेरा, ये टुटा हुआ दिल!

ये हँसी तो आपको देखते ही आ जाती है,
लेकिन क्या करें उन रातों का,
जो रो कर बिताई जाती है?

अगर होता ही इतना आसान,
तो क्या खुद ही कभी अपनी बातें ना बाँट लेती?
बस, तुम्हारे पूछने की कोशिश तो थी,
पर उसमे थोड़ी सी कहीं कमी रह गयी।
पूछता तो था हर कोई इंसान,
पर कोई सही इंसान ना मिला,
और जब कोई मिल भी गया,
पर वो वह 'इंसान' ना बन पाया!

Wednesday, 29 May 2019

Forever is a lie?

A thought by Ms. Harshitha
Sometimes, some relations never get over!
Just because they are meant to be forever.

But people say "Forever is a lie"
Because one day we all have to die.

When we ourselves are not forever,
Then how can we expect someone to leave never?

But darling, don't let that hope in you, die,
Because what if, 'Forever' is not a lie?

Reason ho tum!

Here's a simple start by an amateur writer, Ms. Harshitha Jain! 

Read and motivate her to write more! Share, like and comment your feedback!

Uske smile ki reason ho tum,Uske life ka har season ho tum,Tumhi se shuru hota hai uska har din,Pyaar aur Dosti ka confusion ho tum.

Izhaar karne se dosti chuth jaayegi,Pyaar na Milne par woh hi toot jaayegi,Tumko paane ke liye Sabse ulaj jaayegi,Tum baat na karo toh duniya se ruth jaayegi.

Uske sapno ki umeed ho tum,Uske raaton ki neend ho tum,Tumhare Bina nhi guzarta uska din,Uski life ki har need ho tum !

Saturday, 25 May 2019

To my eight year old self

A poem by Kriti Choudhari
You were a chirpy little girl,
Liking your frocks to twirl.
You were bundle full of happiness,
And unstoppable due to talkativeness.
You were everybody's favourite,
As you took things light.
But then thigs swept of your feet,
When you faced deceit.
Your innocence was ruptured,
When you were captured.
Captured by hands of a stranger,
Hungry as a scavenger.
Held you tight,
So, you don't take a flight.
Clasped your mouth, 
To fulfill his drouth.
Everything seemed blurred,
Your voice couldn't be heard.
His physical power overpowered your mental power,
It felt sour.
You felt disgusted, 
You felt disgruntled,
As he forced himself.
You broke into pieces.
Your soul ripped apart.
But, one thing you couldn't do was ESCAPE!

Saturday, 13 April 2019

The reply

The reply for the  letter from the girl:

Dear world,
Kindly convey her this.

She never wanted to fall in love, I hated falling alone.
She never imagined of falling in love, I always fantasized about it with that 'Special girl'.
No girl had the courage to tease me because, I was an asshole whom everyone feared, a rude ass who couldn't even face a girl.
And yet,
I fell in love!
Deeply and madly in love with her.
Love to her was a lie. So was she, to me.
I couldn't believe a girl like her could exist. A perfect balance between being mean and sweet.
While I just entered into her life, she was already my life!
I loved her and I expressed it. I couldn't believe myself .
But she liked me back too. ( And I couldn't believe this too )
She changed me. I didn't want to!
She cared for me. I didn't want to be cared for.
I love her so much more. I just don't want to leave her.
Could we stay together?
Can we make it forever?
'Can we atleast give it a try?
Even if we can't, let's just not cry.'
I know she can find someone better,
I know that there's a possibility of her leaving me,
I know that this beautiful bond can fade.
Inspite of all these, I am still not afraid.
Do you know why?
You don't and I don't know it too.

Always hers

A letter by a girl who feared love

Dear you,

I never wanted to fall in love.

Sounds stupid? But, I could never imagine of falling in love. Love to me, was pollution!
Compliments were a daily routine that never touched my heart, 'cos I was a girl who could never be fooled by those (stupid) cheesy lines!
Love to me was a lie, so illogical, so untrue!
And then, you entered into my life !
You loved me and you expressed it. I couldn't believe it (as usual). Rather say, I didn't want to believe it!
But, I liked you back. I didn't want to!
You changed me. I didn't want to! You loved me too much. I didn't want to be!
I hate you for coming into my life and changing me.
But, now I love you so much that I don't want to leave you.
That 'single' life was so happy.
Though, I am no worse mingling with you.
 But, you are such a distraction to me. A beautiful distraction who could ruin my dreams.
But, maybe this is just for a while. Maybe, this is just a usual attraction, the hormonal stuff.
And, I just hope it doesn't last long.
Maybe, we could stay together forever but Iam afraid of the possibility that it doesn't happen !
I fear if my distraction takes me apart from my dreams of becoming a better girl.
Because  fear if you find a better girl somewhere else and leave me.
I fear your love reduces due to my stupidity.
I fear losingyou.
I fear not deserving you.
I fear all these complications. And, now I understand, why I feared love!

'(Maybe someday) Yours'

Sunday, 7 April 2019

School is cool!

A sweet
poem by one of our little followers:

नन्हे बच्चे, अंजान चेहरे,
मासूम दिल और सब थे वेले।
मिले एक प्यारी सी जगह में ,
जिसका नाम था school,
Where everyone used to look like a fool.

अलग हुए थे घर से पहली बार,
और आँखों में आंसूं थे हज़ार,
दिल में डर था,
Pant बहुत छोटा था,
मेरा बाजु वाला भी रो रहा था,
मुझसे वो कम नही था।
यह तो मेरा अपमान हुआ,
और जंग का ऐलान हुआ।

फिर शुरू हुई थी cry fight,
Which was not going right,
Teacher सोची ऐसे तो ना लड़ते Bheem और Kaalia,
थोड़ी देर में हमे दिखी एक छोटी सी Alia!

Silence everywhere......

Teacher सोची ये क्या हुआ,
क्या क़ुबूल हुई मेरी दुआ?
देखकर Teacher का हाल हुआ बेहाल,
इन बच्चों को कैसे पता होता, क्या है माल?
हम हँसे और teacher राज़ी,
देखना है अब कौन मारेगा बाज़ी!
ऐसे शुरू हुई थी हमारी दोस्ती,
जैसी भी थी, we did all मस्ती!

Tuesday, 2 April 2019


चाहे दर्द दो या प्यार तुम हमे,
हम सब कुछ सह लेंगे।
आदत सी बन गयी हो तुम हमारी,
अब बस तुम्हे प्यार ही प्यार देगे।

गुस्सा करो तुम जब जब मुझ पर,
लगता है मुझको डर,
इतने प्यारे लगते हो रूठे हुए भी ,
की दिल करता है अब ले जाऊं तुम्हे अपने घर।

मेरी हर एक गलती को माफ़ कर,
करते हो मुझसे उतना ही प्यार,
बन गया है रिश्ता हमारा,
जैसे बिजली नही चलती बिना कोई तार।

जितना प्यार करते हो ,
उतना ही खफ़ा हो जाते हो कभी कभी,
पर अच्छा तो तब लगता है,
जब रूठे हुए तुम, मनाने लग जाते हो मुझे अभी।

जानने लगी हूँ इतना तुम्हे,
की देखते ही समझ जाती हूं तुम्हारा हर एक ख़याल,
गुस्सा दिलाना भी जानती हूं,
मनाना भी जानती हूं,
दुनिया भी समझ गयी होगी  मुझे होगया  हैप्यार तुम्हारे नाल।

तुम्हारी यह खामोशी सही नही जाती,
दर्द करता है दिल जब कोई बात बता नहीं पाती।
अब बस हर वक़्त मैं तुम्हारे ही गीत गाती,
क्योंकि हर दिल की बात अब तुम्हारी बन जाती।

Monday, 1 April 2019

खामोशी की चीख

 मिला जो आसानी से,
न की उसकी कदर 
करोगे भी कैसे, 
जब है नहीं खोने का डर।

न था डर खोने का जिसका, 
बेझिझक हाथ बंटा दिया, 
ना कि थी कदर जिसकी,
बिन बताए मिसाल दे गया। 

उसने कसम दि थी कि, 
न छोड़कर जाएगा कभी, 
पर जब खुद से दूर धकेला उसे,
तो कैसे कोई रुकेगा अभी? 

इतना दूर ना धकेलो, 
की आदत बन जाए,
इतना ना नीचा दिखाओ, 
की फितरत बन जाए, 
यह न भूलें कि दुनिया गोल है, 
कुदरत के कायदे, सब लिए समान है, 
यह दर्दनाक खामोशी की चीख,
क्या खबर कल तुम्हारी ही शिकायत बन जाए।                                     \

Sunday, 10 March 2019

The letter

 The boy who called me a playgirl,

I did things you wanted to do with me. I did things we loved to do together. I was not the only one responsible for all my actions. And, similarly, neither were you solely responsible for all your actions. Rather, we were equally responsible for everything we had done because we decided to have a relationship, maintain it and it was certainly mutual.
Then, why do you call me a playgirl ?
Was I the one who left? 
I understand you were too possessive when it came to me and that's quite natural, but was my promise to be with you forever  just not enough?

If I wanted to play with your feelings, I would have done it in a smarter way. Why would I spend hours with you, waste every minute thinking about you when you weren't with me?  Plan surprises for you, split the bill everytime we went out, keep the silly conversations alive all the time, spend my energy in understanding you, give you hopes that I would always stay with you?

Do you realise, I tried to keep up with you as much as you did for me. But, unfortunately with time, we realised that it was not working out between us. Maybe, we understand each other so much better now that we know what we are actually interested in. 
You claimed that, I just didn't realise all that you had done for me. You kept counting things you did for me and that wasn't wrong. The part that you never realised my sacrifices for you was definitely heart- breaking. 
Keeping up promises, 
Consoling you,
A few petty things that I never counted upon to make you realise, unlike you did. Maybe, I did things without any expectations, or maybe unintentionally because I just loved you. 

Introducing you as the hero of my life (because I felt you were one ) was one of the main gestures I had made because I always wanted the world, who had only seen the worst side of yours, to see your good side now; the angel in you that loved me. 

तुमने तो आसानी से कह दिया की,
"तुमने मेरा काटना चाहा, मैं 
खुशी खुशी कटवा रहा था।"
पर जितना तुम्हारा कटा हैं, 
उतना ही मेरा भी।

'Not yours anymore'