Saturday, 13 April 2019

The reply

The reply for the  letter from the girl:

Dear world,
Kindly convey her this.

She never wanted to fall in love, I hated falling alone.
She never imagined of falling in love, I always fantasized about it with that 'Special girl'.
No girl had the courage to tease me because, I was an asshole whom everyone feared, a rude ass who couldn't even face a girl.
And yet,
I fell in love!
Deeply and madly in love with her.
Love to her was a lie. So was she, to me.
I couldn't believe a girl like her could exist. A perfect balance between being mean and sweet.
While I just entered into her life, she was already my life!
I loved her and I expressed it. I couldn't believe myself .
But she liked me back too. ( And I couldn't believe this too )
She changed me. I didn't want to!
She cared for me. I didn't want to be cared for.
I love her so much more. I just don't want to leave her.
Could we stay together?
Can we make it forever?
'Can we atleast give it a try?
Even if we can't, let's just not cry.'
I know she can find someone better,
I know that there's a possibility of her leaving me,
I know that this beautiful bond can fade.
Inspite of all these, I am still not afraid.
Do you know why?
You don't and I don't know it too.

Always hers

A letter by a girl who feared love

Dear you,

I never wanted to fall in love.

Sounds stupid? But, I could never imagine of falling in love. Love to me, was pollution!
Compliments were a daily routine that never touched my heart, 'cos I was a girl who could never be fooled by those (stupid) cheesy lines!
Love to me was a lie, so illogical, so untrue!
And then, you entered into my life !
You loved me and you expressed it. I couldn't believe it (as usual). Rather say, I didn't want to believe it!
But, I liked you back. I didn't want to!
You changed me. I didn't want to! You loved me too much. I didn't want to be!
I hate you for coming into my life and changing me.
But, now I love you so much that I don't want to leave you.
That 'single' life was so happy.
Though, I am no worse mingling with you.
 But, you are such a distraction to me. A beautiful distraction who could ruin my dreams.
But, maybe this is just for a while. Maybe, this is just a usual attraction, the hormonal stuff.
And, I just hope it doesn't last long.
Maybe, we could stay together forever but Iam afraid of the possibility that it doesn't happen !
I fear if my distraction takes me apart from my dreams of becoming a better girl.
Because  fear if you find a better girl somewhere else and leave me.
I fear your love reduces due to my stupidity.
I fear losingyou.
I fear not deserving you.
I fear all these complications. And, now I understand, why I feared love!

'(Maybe someday) Yours'

Sunday, 7 April 2019

School is cool!

A sweet
poem by one of our little followers:

नन्हे बच्चे, अंजान चेहरे,
मासूम दिल और सब थे वेले।
मिले एक प्यारी सी जगह में ,
जिसका नाम था school,
Where everyone used to look like a fool.

अलग हुए थे घर से पहली बार,
और आँखों में आंसूं थे हज़ार,
दिल में डर था,
Pant बहुत छोटा था,
मेरा बाजु वाला भी रो रहा था,
मुझसे वो कम नही था।
यह तो मेरा अपमान हुआ,
और जंग का ऐलान हुआ।

फिर शुरू हुई थी cry fight,
Which was not going right,
Teacher सोची ऐसे तो ना लड़ते Bheem और Kaalia,
थोड़ी देर में हमे दिखी एक छोटी सी Alia!

Silence everywhere......

Teacher सोची ये क्या हुआ,
क्या क़ुबूल हुई मेरी दुआ?
देखकर Teacher का हाल हुआ बेहाल,
इन बच्चों को कैसे पता होता, क्या है माल?
हम हँसे और teacher राज़ी,
देखना है अब कौन मारेगा बाज़ी!
ऐसे शुरू हुई थी हमारी दोस्ती,
जैसी भी थी, we did all मस्ती!

Tuesday, 2 April 2019


चाहे दर्द दो या प्यार तुम हमे,
हम सब कुछ सह लेंगे।
आदत सी बन गयी हो तुम हमारी,
अब बस तुम्हे प्यार ही प्यार देगे।

गुस्सा करो तुम जब जब मुझ पर,
लगता है मुझको डर,
इतने प्यारे लगते हो रूठे हुए भी ,
की दिल करता है अब ले जाऊं तुम्हे अपने घर।

मेरी हर एक गलती को माफ़ कर,
करते हो मुझसे उतना ही प्यार,
बन गया है रिश्ता हमारा,
जैसे बिजली नही चलती बिना कोई तार।

जितना प्यार करते हो ,
उतना ही खफ़ा हो जाते हो कभी कभी,
पर अच्छा तो तब लगता है,
जब रूठे हुए तुम, मनाने लग जाते हो मुझे अभी।

जानने लगी हूँ इतना तुम्हे,
की देखते ही समझ जाती हूं तुम्हारा हर एक ख़याल,
गुस्सा दिलाना भी जानती हूं,
मनाना भी जानती हूं,
दुनिया भी समझ गयी होगी  मुझे होगया  हैप्यार तुम्हारे नाल।

तुम्हारी यह खामोशी सही नही जाती,
दर्द करता है दिल जब कोई बात बता नहीं पाती।
अब बस हर वक़्त मैं तुम्हारे ही गीत गाती,
क्योंकि हर दिल की बात अब तुम्हारी बन जाती।

Monday, 1 April 2019

खामोशी की चीख

 मिला जो आसानी से,
न की उसकी कदर 
करोगे भी कैसे, 
जब है नहीं खोने का डर।

न था डर खोने का जिसका, 
बेझिझक हाथ बंटा दिया, 
ना कि थी कदर जिसकी,
बिन बताए मिसाल दे गया। 

उसने कसम दि थी कि, 
न छोड़कर जाएगा कभी, 
पर जब खुद से दूर धकेला उसे,
तो कैसे कोई रुकेगा अभी? 

इतना दूर ना धकेलो, 
की आदत बन जाए,
इतना ना नीचा दिखाओ, 
की फितरत बन जाए, 
यह न भूलें कि दुनिया गोल है, 
कुदरत के कायदे, सब लिए समान है, 
यह दर्दनाक खामोशी की चीख,
क्या खबर कल तुम्हारी ही शिकायत बन जाए।                                     \